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Author Topic: Electro v1.0a Released
Frank W. Zammetti
 Posted 7/24/2001 10:24:30 AM

An issue was reported to us early this morning regarding incorrect data showing up on the Chip Reference Pinouts screen. We corrected the issue and have released v1.0a. Anyone purchasing the program or downloading the trial will get that version automatically.

If you purchased Electro and received v1.0, you can go to the Updates section (click Products, then the Updates link next to Electro) to download the new version. Your User ID and Password should have been eMailed to you right after you purchased v1.0. eMail if you did not.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we\'re rather embarassed that we didn\'t notice this, nor did our beta testers. At least it wasn\'t a major effort to fix it!


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