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Author Topic: More 74xxx.more connectors
Oscar Jimenez
 Posted 9/2/2001 2:44:24 PM

I like your program, I use it all days, but I want to add more chips, more connectors, Can I do it?...

Frank W. Zammetti
 Posted 9/2/2001 2:48:39 PM

Unfortunately, with this version of the program I didn\'t code it in such a way to allow user extension of the data library. That\'s one of the things I intend to put into version 2.0. I\'m targeting January 2002 for the release of v2, but that could change as things develop.

Paul Sutherland
 Posted 12/12/2001 4:37:51 PM

Excellent Program, 4000 Series IC\'s as well as 7400\'s could be added,also Footprint Packages (TO3, TO92, DO214a etc) Maybe manufacturers Logo\'s (don\'t you just hate it when you dont know who made that chip!!, Can\'t think of much else and I\'m an engineer!!


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