Electronic engineering tools and reference utility for PocketPC
Electro is the premiere electronics and electrical reference utility available for the PocketPC. With an assortment of calculators, reference tables and other invaluable tools and information, Electro is one program you can't be without if you work with electricity in any form!
Here is a complete list of the features you will find in the program:
555 Timer Design
Shows you the two basic 555 timer circuit configurations, astable and monostable. For each you can enter component values and see the resulting time and frequency output. Good for quick designs!
DC Ohm's Law Calculator
Enter any two known values and the other two are calculated for you. Includes I, E, R and P.
Delta <-> Wye Transformations
Useful for calculating values when doing a Delta to Wye conversion or vice-versa
Capacitor/Inductor Energy Stored Calculator
Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor or inductor or the capacitor/inductor value for a given voltage and energy
Impedance Calculator
Calculates impedance or component resistance/reactance for series or parallel circuits
Morse Code Encoder
Enter a string of text and HEAR it in morse code
R/C/I Calculator
Calculate series or parallel resistance, capacitance or inductance for an arbitrary number of components
Reactance Calculator
Calculate reactance or the component frequency/inductance/capacitance for inductive or capacitive circuits
Resistor Color Code
A colorful tool to determine the resistance of a resistor
Resonance Calculator
A tool to calculate inductance, capacitance or frequency of a resonant circuit
Three-Phase Connections
A useful tool for determining primary/secondary voltage and/or turns ratio when connecting Delta and Wye power circuits with diagrams
7400-Series Logic Chip Reference
Pinout, function and descriptions for many of the most common 7400-series logic chips
Basic Op-Amp Circuits
A reference showing diagrams and important formulas for the basic op-amp circuit configurations
Citizens Band Freqencies
A reference chart showing the frequencies and tolerances for the citizens bands
Common Connectors
A reference containing many of the most common connectors encountered in computer and electronis with diagrams
Copper Wire Characteristics
Important data for copper wires
Dialectric Constants
Lists many different materials and their dialectric properties
K Factors For Attenuator Loss
A useful reference table when designing attenuator circuits
Metal/Alloy Resistances
Many common elements and compounds and their resistance characteristics
Radio Frequency Spectrum
An always handy chart of the major bands of the radio frequency spectrum ncluding the frequency range and classification
Schematic Symbols
A list of the most commonly encountered schematic symbols, diagrammed and described
TV Channels
Lists frequency information for the UHF channels